Transport Forum

Start Date23/09/2016
Start Time11:30am
End Time14:00pm
Venue Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce
Number One Old Hall Street
L3 9HG (Click here to view a map of the venue)

This is a Liverpool and Sefton Chambers of Commerce event.

Pricing: Members: free  Non-members: free

The next Transport Forum will take place on Friday 23rd September. The Forum will start at 11.30 and a sandwich lunch will be provided at 12.30 when Louise Ellman MP will join us for her regular briefing session.

We are delighted that Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Transport & Climate Change at Liverpool City Council, will be joining us to discuss proposed transport schemes in the city.

The outline agenda is:

• 11.30: Welcome and introductions

• 11.35: Cllr Malcolm Kennedy presentation followed by Q&A and discussion

• 12.15: Transport Updates

• 12.30: Short break for lunch

• 12.40: Louise Ellman MP update followed by discussion

• 13.45: Close

Please secure your place by booking online, emailing:  or calling  0151 227 1234.

Please note, the Transport Forum is primarily for Chamber members and places will be limited. If you are not a member and would like to attend please contact Michelle Cameron via:



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