Digital Support for Businesses

InvestSefton recognise the importance digital enhancements can have in increasing productivity and competitiveness. 

To encourage shared learning between businesses , InvestSefton facilitate ‘Sefton Huddle’ which is a networking group for digital, creative and tech businesses.  Sefton Huddle meets three times per year – please see the events page for more details. 

In addition to this, the InvestSefton team can provide advice and guidance to businesses looking to improve their digital capabilities, this could include upskilling, introducing new technologies or developing new technologies.

We do this by working in collaboration with a range of partners including the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, Edge Hill University and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority. 

The below outlines a selection of the support available, it is not an exhaustive list.  Please contact us directly to explore how we can help your business.

Growth Platform Digital Support 

The Growth Platform website has a page dedicated to digital support for businesses where you can find out about: 

  • Business support & funding, 
  • Inspiring sector initiatives, 
  • Joining sector social communities, 
  • Taking part in the latest sector events, 
  • Learning about key digital and creative hubs in the city region, 
  • Reading success stories and news from the sector.

Visit the website for more details: Digital and Creative – Liverpool City Region | Growth Platform

Digital Skills for the Workplace

Digital Skills for the Workplace provides flexible hands-on courses of up to 16 weeks in duration, which are part of the government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee and Plan for Jobs.

The Skills Bootcamps are flexible and hands-on and will enable you to build up your digital skills to enhance your employability.

Liverpool City Region was one of just six areas nationally to trial the skills training aimed at helping participants to find jobs in the growing digital and tech sector and help employers to fill digital skills gaps in their business.

The programme is funded by the Department for Education and developed locally by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, working with local employers.

The training is open to adults aged 19+, either in work, looking for work or returning to the workforce. The courses are intended to be as inclusive as possible, to increase diversity within the digital and tech sector.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority will offer the following 7 Bootcamps:

  • Skills Bootcamp in Full Stack Web Development
  • Skills Bootcamp in Digital Marketing
  • Skills Bootcamp in Cyber Security
  • Skills Bootcamp in Digital Design
  • Skills Bootcamp in AutoCAD
  • Skills Bootcamp in Software Developer/Engineer
  • Skills Bootcamp in Infrastructure Technician

Additionally, employers who are considering recruiting new talent within the above 7 digital areas may wish to speak with us about interviewing newly trained individuals.

For more information or to register please visit the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Digital Skills for the Workplace webpage


LCR Be More 

Be More offers FREE tailored support and guidance to businesses across throughout the Liverpool City Region. Be More is an innovative service devised and launched by Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, and is helping to bridge the skills gap by providing employers with tailored support, guidance and access to funding to help boost their business and develop their workforce.

The Digital and Creative sector is one of the growth sectors identified by Be More. Visit the website for more information on funded training opportunities in the digital sector. 

Employer Support – BeMore (

Help to Grow: Digital

Small and medium-sized businesses across the UK can now access free and impartial online support to see how digital technology can boost their business performance.

Eligible businesses can also apply for a discount of up to 50% off the purchase of approved software from a range of leading technology suppliers, worth up to £5,000.

With many businesses needing to adapt the way they do business during the pandemic, the support the Government is offering through Help to Grow: Digital will help them to improve their productivity and take the next step to grow.

To find out more visit the Help to Grow: Digital webpage


Cyber Aware Resource Centre

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the UK’s technical authority on cyber security.

It has recently launched the latest phase of the Cyber Aware campaign, aiming to help sole traders, micro businesses and small organisations stay safe online.

Last year, 81% of businesses that reported an email or social media hack were small or medium businesses, and the average annual cost of a cyber attack for micro and small businesses was £3,080.

That’s why InvestSefton is supporting the NCSC in urging small business owners to take two free and simple steps to help protect themselves from a variety of cyber threats:

1. Get your free Cyber Action Plan.

– Answer a few simple questions, and in less than five minutes, a tailored list of actions will be served to help protect your organisation.

2. Use the quick and easy tool, Check Your Cyber Security service.

– This scans internet-connected devices for common vulnerabilities to ransomware and other viruses, provides advice on how to mitigate any risks and lets you know if your browser is up to date.

For further information on NCSC advice and guidance for sole traders and small business owners please visit NCSC’s Small and Medium Organisations page and the NCSC Small Business Guide.


Google Digital Garage

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Discover courses in topics designed to help expand your career, business and horizons and to upgrade your skills for a new digital world.

Find out more at Google Digital Garage


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