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Round table event for businesses who export

On Wednesday 10th July a round table meeting will be held at The Lake House in Waterloo for any business who export. The event will focus on the UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will be implemented on imports of certain carbon intensive goods from the 1st January 2027. 

Goods imported into the UK from countries with a lower carbon price will have to pay a levy and your customers might face higher costs and reporting challenges.

If the goods you export to the EU fall under the scope of CBAM, your customers will be expecting this emissions data from you, and complying with reporting standards will require a comprehensive understanding of emissions produced in your supply chain and in your own production processes.

The transitional phase is now in operation but it will be fully operational by January 2026.

The event will take place 10th Jul 2024 , from 9:00 am – 10:45 am at  The Lake House, Cambridge Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 1RR. 

More information can be found here  or you can email: