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Survey reveals employers struggling with auto enrolment
A survey of firms with 49 or fewer employees has indicated that many are still struggling with pension auto-enrolment.
One in four employers questioned by Moorepay in September 2015 said they were unaware of or unclear about their auto-enrolment duties, even though the staging dates for firms with between 30 and 49 employees have passed.
Of the employers already planning for auto-enrolment, more than half had still not decided on a provider and one third were finding it difficult to identify eligible employees. (Pay & Benefits Magazine)
With this in mind we are giving SME’s in Sefton the opportunity to attend a FREE WORKSHOP on Wednesday 11 November to prepare you for auto enrolment. Every employer in the UK will have to comply with the new workplace pension regulations between now and April 2017 – DON’T LEAVE IT TOO LATE!