Venturefest North West 2018

Start Date13/09/2018
Start Time9.30am
End Date13/10/2018
End Time4.00pm
Venue Manchester Central
M2 3GX (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Get ahead of the curve and book your place at Venturefest North West!

With a unique mix of inspirational speakers, interactive workshops, exhibitors and networking opportunities, the region’s largest event of its kind is in its fifth year and 2018 is set to be the biggest yet.

Whether your business is a start-up or has years of experience behind it, join us at Venturefest North West on September 13th at Manchester Central.

Why should you attend?

Unparalleled networking opportunities: Whether you’re a start-up or growing business, Venturefest North West is the perfect opportunity to meet others who are passionate about business, share insights, and find the right collaboration opportunities that will enable you to innovate and grows. Around 1,000 attendees are expected, making it the region’s biggest ever Venturefest.

Raise finance: Meet funders and find out what investors looking for and what they could do to help your business, and at what stage they can become involved.

Get inspired: Hear from business leaders and entrepreneurs, talk to others who’ve been on the same journey, and get expert advice and practical support on how to develop your business and grow fast.

Book your place now at  Venturefest North West 2018 and keep up to date with the speakers, events and activities as they unfold over the coming weeks.

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