Converting Enquiries into Sales – for Hotels and Venues

Start Date03/07/2018
Start Time10.30am
End Time4.30pm
Venue Titanic Hotel,
Stanley Dock,
Regent Road,
L3 0AN (Click here to view a map of the venue)
Tourism Growth are running Converting Enquiries into Sales for frontline teams in hotels and venues.

How many special events and meeting room enquiries are lost to the competition each month?

Are you and your team missing opportunities to convert more enquiries into sales?

We help managers and their team members to focus on the professional skills and knowledge that will improve their enquiry handling technique, impress corporate booking agents and develop their confidence to ask for the booking.

Key Topics:

  • Understanding your product and competitors
  • Enquiry handling for effective conversions
  • Presenting your product
  • Converting the business
  • Handling enquiries through agents
  • Post event follow-up

We’re pleased to confirm that a preferential rate of £93 +vat, per person per course, is available to members of Visit Liverpool. That’s a saving of £40!

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