One Cluster, One Sector and Internet Plus

Start Date13/06/2016
Start Time1:30pm
End Time4:30pm
Venue Indonesia and Vietnam Suite
Exhibition Centre Liverpool
L3 4FP (Click here to view a map of the venue)

This is a Liverpool & Sefton Chambers of Commerce event.

Pricing Information: Members – free, Non-members – free

Invest Shanghai and Liverpool Vision have been working closely together over the past two years. Following a successful Seminar hosted by Invest Shanghai in Liverpool in November 2014, the two parties signed a MoU in Shanghai in March 2015 and have been collaborating to promote IFB2016. The partnership has also supported Henry Bath to establish a new facility in the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

At the Invitation of Cllr Gary Millar and Liverpool Vision, Invest Shanghai has organised a delegation of government and business leaders to join the Opening Day of IFB2016 on June 13th 2016. The programme for the day includes a “UK—Shanghai Bilateral Investment Promotion Seminar” covering topics such as cross-border E-commerce and Intelligent Manufacturing.

13:30 – 13:45

13:45 – 13:50

Ms.Pan Yan, Chief Representative of London Office

Invest Shanghai

13:50 – 14:05

Speech by Ms. Zong Yuyan, Vice President of Invest Shanghai
Speech by Cllr Gary Millar, Cabinet Member Business, Enterprise & investment, Liverpool City Council

14.05 – 14.45

Overview of Shanghai Investment and Business Environment: Ms.Wang Yi, Senior Manager of European Department, Invest Shanghai

Overview of Songjiang District on G60 Science Corridor and 3D printing industry: Ms Chen Rong, Deputy Director, Songjiang Economic Committee

Overview of Putuo District on Smart City and M&A Financial Cluster: Ms.Sun Liya, Deputy Director, Investment Development Department of Putuo District, Shanghai Municipality


Cross-border E-commerce: Shanghai Orchid Culture Communication Co.


Q&A and business matching


Event close, refreshments, networking

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