Business Plan – Southport

Start Date28/04/2015
Start Time09.00am (Registration 8.30am)
End Time12.00 noon
Venue Southport Town Hall
Birkdale Meeting Room
Lord Street
PR8 1DA (Click here to view a map of the venue)

Whether you’re just starting out, growing your business or seeking outside help, a well-thought-out business plan is the vehicle you need to get you there.  A business plan provides a road map for your business’s future and is essential to attracting funding.

This workshop will guide through the essential elements required to produce a good business plan or improve on your existing one.

All businesses should have a good business plan which will let you structure your finances efficiently, show potential investors the strength of your business, and focus your efforts on developing your business.  A business plan isn’t written once; it’s a living document that you return to periodically to help you spot potential pitfalls before they happen.

With this in mind Investsefton with Merseyside Special Investment Fund (MSIF) to help you to create a well-structured business plan which will give you direction and help your business become a success.  On the day you will learn:

  • Why you should produce a business plan?
  • Who should produce it and who is it for?
  • Are you looking to raise finance?
  • Content of the plan – quality over quantity
  • Financial projections and historic results

You should leave the workshop with the skills and know-how to create a new business plan or improve your existing one.

Priority for places on this event is given to small to medium sized private sector businesses (SME’s) based in the Sefton Council area that have been trading 1day+.  Places are limited to one delegate per organisation.

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